Poker is a card game that requires players to gamble with chips (the amount they are willing to risk) for the opportunity to win a pot. Players are dealt two cards and five community cards, and aim to make the best 5 card “hand” using these cards alone. The best hand wins the pot. Players can also bluff, trying to out-smart their opponents by raising the stakes and making their opponents think they have a strong hand. This is called “raising the read” and can be done via eye contact, facial expressions or gestures. Alternatively, a player may choose to “fold” and leave the game without betting, forfeiting his share of any side pots but retaining his right to play the original pot when it comes around again.
The turn to deal and bet passes clockwise around the table after each hand. Any player may shuffle the deck after each deal, though a player must offer to the player on his left for a cut before doing so. A kitty may be established by the players to pay for new decks of cards and other supplies such as drinks. Any unused chips in the kitty at the end of the game are divided among the players who remain in the game.
The rules of Poker are complex, and an inexperienced writer should observe experienced players and try to replicate their behavior to learn the game. A strong understanding of the game and its variants is essential, as is a good grasp of how to appeal to a wide readership that may have different levels of knowledge of the subject matter. This is achieved by including anecdotes and being descriptive in your writing.